

This week Primary 5 took part in various activities as part of our STEM focus week. Our activities consisted of building the tallest, free-standing tower out of paper.  We were limited to the amount of paper we were allowed to use and the amount of tape. We found the challenge particularly difficult because we did not ration our materials.  It was a great learning experience.  Mrs Scott gave us a second chance at the activity, however, this time we had greater success. Not only did we learn about the importance of the structure, the design and base of the tower but we also learned about team effort, equal participation and positive encouragement to our peers. We all absolutely loved the task. Our second task was designing a structure that would hold an egg (which hadn't been boiled...eek!) The structure was made from only two materials; spaghetti and marshmallows.  We all originally thought this task was going to be easy.  However, it was the complete op...

Respect Me Week

What an eventful Respect Me Week we had. We had many visitors to our class during this week who helped us to learn about; Respecting ourselves, Respecting Others and Respecting our Environment. We spent the entire week getting to know/playing with people that we wouldn't normally play with.  We also had an amazing afternoon playing with people from other classes. Our highlight of the week was a visit from Corinne from Finding Your Feet.  She taught us that we can achieve if we put our mind to it and that although we may look different we are all equal.

Maths Through Space

This term we have been learning about Space.  Our maths has been taught through the topic, which we have loved. We have been learning about;  angles, compass points, directions, coordinate points on grids, 2D and 3D shape and numbers beyond 1000. We all loved learning our maths through the context of Space .

P.E Gymnastics

We have blown Mrs Scott away with our outstanding skills at gymnastics.  We have been working on; balancing, rolls and using a variety of apparatus to improve our strength and flexibility.

More multiplication Games

We are continuing to master our recall facts in all times tables. Below are links to games which can be played at home to help master our tables. In term 3 we are focusing on 8, 9, 11, and 12 times tables. Hit the Button Dart board tables grouping / division Loop card games

Book Week

Primary 5 loved participating in Book Week.  We particularly enjoyed reading our own novels during lunch break.  Another highlight of the week was when we silently read in The Haven.  We even had the pleasure of some P7 pupils reading big books to us.

Term 2 Numeracy Challenge

This term we are determined to be confident in all times tables. Each week we are focusing on a different times table.  To help learn each times table everyone has been encouraged to practise every night at home (5 minutes each night.) Below are links to a variety of times tables games which can be played at home; Hit the Button Speed Challenge M ultiple wipeout (Please note that not all games will work on phones/ iPads) Happy learning. 😊😊😊😊😊